Warmongers. Is Iran Next?

I ask Ben Norton, journalist with The Grayzone and The Real News, co-host of the podcast Moderate Rebels, contributor to FAIR, about the mainstream media's coverage of Iran. Are they helping manufacture consent for war?
Recorded on December 7, 2018
John Kiriakou. The Jimmy Dore Show. CIA Agent Reveals Signs of Imminent Iran Invasion. August 6, 2018.
Adam Johnson. FAIR. NYTimes Laments 'Forever Wars' Its Editorials Helped Create. October 23, 2017.
Adam Johnson. TruthOut. Your Complete Guide to the N.Y. Times' Support of U.S.-Backed Coups in Latin America. January 29, 2019.
Mehdi Hasan. New York Times. Is Trump Going to Lie Our Way into War with Iran? November 29, 2017.
Gareth Porter. The American Conservative. Translated Doc Debunks Narrative of Al Qaeda-Iran ‘Alliance.’ November 22, 2017.
Photo by Jon Fingas of The New York Times
April 18, 2010
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